Adobe Filmmaking Software

Adobe Premiere is the standard filmmaking software for video editing, and for good reason: it allows you to do so much. Perfect for color grading, splicing clips, and building complex timelines, Premiere is a film editor’s dream come true – as long as you watch a few dozen tutorials. Don’t miss our Sundance Film Festival panel on Friday, January 20th, showcasing an inspiring line-up of filmmakers who wear a lot of hats and work on projects ranging from independent to studio and from feature length to serial content.

  1. Adobe Film Editing Program
  2. Adobe Elements Video Editor
  3. Adobe Filmmaking Software

Part 1: Top 15 Adobe Premiere Pro Plugins for Transitions and Effects; Part 2: FAQ about Adobe Premiere Plugins; Best Alternative to Adobe Premiere - FilmoraPro. The Premiere is excellent if you can find the best Adobe Premiere plugin at the time and money price. If you want to edit videos easily, here we recommend using FilmoraPro. Part 2: Filmmaking Software to Improve Workflow; 8 Filmmaking Software You Need to Know Part 1: Film Editing Software 1. FilmoraPro is a type of video editing software that has been built especially for people like you – the amateur filmmaker. It has all of the features that you would need for your filmmaking software, from motion. Like Adobe Story CC, StudioBinder film production software takes the script right into pre production Then, all of your inputs are tied together with auto-generated production reports. These include everything from prop breakdowns to call sheets that you can send in-tool.

Adobe Film Editing Program

Video editing isn't just for Hollywood. Once only a task for professionals, editing raw footage has become as simple as dragging and dropping, and many of the features that used to come only with high-end software are now available in even the most basic programs.

In fact, with a decent camera and good editing software, you can create something that looks a lot more like a Hollywood blockbuster than your childhood home videos.

Adobe Elements Video Editor

See also: 10 Excellent Video Editing Apps

As with any software, it's best to consider which features you'll need before you make a purchase. Small business owners or designers who want to create videos for professional use will have very different needs than consumers editing their home videos. Be realistic about what you'll use, so you don't end up paying for software you don't need.

Adobe Filmmaking Software

You'll also want to consider which video formats you'll be shooting in, and therefore what the software's formatting capabilities are. This is important, as not all raw footage will work with every program. Do your homework before clicking 'buy.'

Finally, you'll want to pay attention to sharing capabilities. In the past, you only needed to worry about saving your videos to a DVD or a highly compressed video file, but the rise of Vimeo and YouTube has resulted in new sharing options. If you're looking to share your videos to your social network, make sure that your software is capable of doing so.


Our picks for the best video editing software on the market are in the gallery above, from beginners' options such as iMovie to the creative powerhouse that is the Adobe Suite. You'll find software for any level of expertise and interest.

Don't see your favorite software here, or use one of these and love it? Share your recommendations in the comments section below.

Adobe Filmmaking Software

Editor's note: The original article has been updated to reflect a more comprehensive list of software platforms.

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