How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro

  1. How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Laptop
  2. How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Computer
  3. How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro
  4. How To Open Pdf In Pages On Macbook Pro
  5. How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Max
  1. Page Up with Fn + Up Arrow. The “fn” key is at the lower left of all modern Mac keyboards, and when you combine that with the Up arrow, which is found on the lower right of the keyboard, you will perform the equivalent of a page up. Page Down with Fn + Down Arrow.
  2. Troubleshooting Pages. These troubleshooting pages will help you diagnose and solve problems with your Apple devices, and with popular gaming consoles.
All-mighty Mac system monitor
Control CPU, memory, and whatnot with iStat Menus app.

A few years ago, Apple dropped static function keys on some MacBooks Pro for a touch-sensitive bar it named Touch Bar. It has the ability to become just about anything you want, and can change depending on what app you’re using, and which inputs may be required.

Touch Bar attempted to revolutionize portable computing, and the results have been mostly positive. Though some miss static keys up top, the overall takeaway is the MacBook Touch Bar is far more useful than function keys.

In this case, it was Comcast's DNS servers that failed, leaving users stuck without any way for their browsers to find Web pages. This problem can happen with any Internet Service P Login.

But how do you use the Mac Touch Bar – and what is it really best at? We’ll tell you all about the MacBook touchbar, why a Touch Bar MacBook Pro is a good buy, and how to optimize your Mac to take full advantage of Apple’s latest shift for MacBook.

How does MacBook Pro Touch Bar work?

When you’re using your MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, there’s nothing specific you need to do to activate the Touch Bar. Simply put, it’s always on, active, and monitoring what you’re doing on-screen so it can change what’s displayed on the Touch Bar to better suit your needs.

The Touch Bar itself has two main components: the control strip, and the Touch Bar. The control strip is a series of system-wide buttons on the right side of the Touch Bar, where things like volume, Siri, and screen brightness can be controlled. It can be minimized or expanded as needed.

The Touch Bar occupies about 90 percent of the top of your keyboard width, and the buttons change based on what you’re doing on-screen. If you are entering a password for a website, the “OK” and “Cancel” buttons may be displayed on the Touch Bar as well as on the screen. This helps you process the request faster, as you don’t need to toggle the mouse pointer and click. When you’re using Safari, a list of page thumbnails will display on the Touch Bar, and you can click or drag through the list to toggle between pages open in your browser.

And if you really need those function keys, simply press the Function (fn) key on your MacBook keyboard, and Touch Bar will display them for you.

What you can do with the Touch Bar

It may be easier to list what can’t be done with Touch Bar! Apple has done a good job of making sure the macOS system uses Touch Bar, and many developers have woven Touch Bar features into their app as well.

The Control Strip

As noted, the control strip on your touch Bar houses system wide functionality. Within it, you’ll find the following:

  • Notification center: Tapping the Notification Center button on the Touch Bar brings up the slide-out notification center on your Mac’s screen.
  • Do Not Disturb: This button allows you to toggle the settings of the Mac’s Do Not Disturb feature.
  • Screenshot: A tap on this button brings up the Screenshot option on your Mac, which allows you to capture a portion of the screen, the entire screen, or record your screen and save it as a video.
  • Dictation: Quickly opens up the Mac’s dictation feature.
  • Input Sources: Opens the keyboard Input Sources from your Mac’s system settings.
  • Show Desktop: Quickly removes all open windows from your screen to reveal your desktop wallpaper
  • Screensaver: This is like putting your Mac’s screen to sleep; it immediately activates your Mac’s screensaver.
  • Screen Lock: A tap on this button locks your Mac, which requires a password or TouchID to gain entry again.
  • Sleep: This immediately places your Mac into sleep mode.

How to use Touch ID

Using TouchID on your MacBook Pro is simple. On the far right side of the Touch Bar is the Touch ID sensor, which also serves as your Mac’s power button. Like older iPhones, the Mac uses fingerprint biometrics to secure your Mac instead of relying on a password. Hackers can guess a password, but faking a fingerprint is much more difficult!

First, be sure you’ve gone into the system settings, selected TouchID, and set up your fingerprint for use on your Mac. From that point forward, simply opening your Mac’s lid and placing a finger on the TouchID reader next to your Touch Bar will activate your Mac.

TouchID can also be used to authenticate payments and log into websites or apps.


When you open Finder on your Mac, the Touch Bar’s buttons will change and present you with several options. You can change how Finder looks (the layout), start a search, share an item, or tag an item. Like most apps, there are also forward and reverse navigation options which provide quick options for scrolling forward or back through Finder.


Mail also has a few Touch Bar features, and is a great example that the Touch Bar is meant for quick actions that are used by most users.

Note: We are discussing the built-in Mail app, here. If you use a different third-party app, its Touch Bar items may be slightly different.

Within the Mail app, Touch Bar can perform the following functions:

  • Hide the side bar: The left side of Mail’s window shows all of your mailboxes and folders. You can hide them really quickly with Touch Bar.
  • Create an email: Touch Bar has a button hat quickly opens a new window to create an email.
  • Archive: If you want to archive an email, simply tap the ‘Archive’ button and it’ll vanish from your inbox!
  • Reply: Touch Bar for Mail has a button dedicated to replying to emails.
  • Trash: quickly trash an email with the press of a button on the Touch Bar.
  • Move: When an email is selected in Mail, the left side of your Touch Bar will display a large “Move to” button. When tapped, it brings up a sub-menu for moving an email to a specific folder.

Primary system controls

Touch Bar’s control strip has some primary functions you should familiarize yourself with. Here’s how each works:

  • Volume control: The MacBook Pro Touch Bar has mute, volume up, and volume down buttons. Tapping on the ‘mute’ button will mute or unmute your MacBook. Pressing volume up or down will move your volume up or down one point on the scale, while holding down either button will continually raise or lower the volume.
  • Keyboard brightness: Much like volume control, but for your backlit keyboard. Tapping keyboard brightness up or down will brighten or dim your keyboard incrementally, while holding down either will scale your keyboard brightness continually.
  • Screen brightness: Tapping up or down here will raise or lower your screen brightness, much like it does with volume control or keyboard brightness.

One thing to keep in mind is the control strip remains minimized most of the time, defaulting to keeping the mute button open as well as a single button for screen brightness and volume. When you hold down on screen brightness or volume, you can drag your finger along the Touch Bar to raise or lower the volume as you like!

The control strip is also customizable. Simply go to System Preferences > Keyboard > Customize Control Strip to alter it.

How to screenshot

To take a screenshot via Touch Bar, first make sure the screenshot button is active in your Touch Bar by visiting System Preferences > Keyboard > Customize Control Strip and dragging the screenshot button onto your Touch Bar if it’s not already there.

Once it’s on your Touch Bar, click the small arrow next to the minimized control strip, select the screenshot button, and your Mac’s screen will display the options available, like capture the entire screen, a portion of the screen, or recording your Window.

How to open pages on macbook pro 13

How to make the function keys

Touch Bar may not display the function keys all the time, but they’re still available! All you have to do is hold down the ‘Function’ (fn) key on your Mac keyboard to surface the function keys on the Touch Bar.

How to customize MacBook Pro touch bar

You can customize the Touch bar any time by visiting System Preferences > Keyboard > Customize Control Strip, but that only allows you to change the buttons displayed on your Mac. BetterTouchTool takes your Touch Bar to a different level, allowing you to configure your TouchBar far more than Apple allows. You can create shortcuts, target specific apps and create unique shortcuts for them, and create your own custom widgets using AppleScript, URL schemes, and HTTP requests.

Hidden features of Apple Touch Bar

Each app has its own Touch Bar buttons that appear when you use them. Zoom, for example, has options for muting and ending video chats with ease.

A great app for keeping tabs on your Mac is iStat Menus, which lives in your menu bar and keeps a close eye on your Mac’s overall performance. If you notice an app is slow or sluggish – maybe not responding to your Touch bar inputs – iStat Menus can tell you what’s going on with it as well as your Mac’s overall performance.

Boost Your Mac!

CleanMyMac X is a sensational app for cleaning up your Mac. It can quickly remove apps and associated files, update existing apps, and clean up random junk on your Mac while monitoring for malware! It also has a menu bar widget that provides a quick look at how your system is performing, how much memory you have available, your CPU load, and the health of your network connection.


Getting to know your Touch Bar may make you more productive, and will definitely have you enjoying your MacBook Pro a lot more. So will the apps mentioned here today!

And each – iStat Menus, CleanMyMac X, and BetterTouchTool – are available for free during a seven day trial of Setapp, a suite of nearly 200 productivity apps for your Mac. Once the trial is over, retaining unlimited access to the entire Setapp catalog is only $9.99 per month!

Setapp lives on Mac and iOS. Please come back from another device.

Meantime, prepare for all the awesome things you can do with Setapp.

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How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Laptop

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About this article

This article includes instructions and suggestions for storing, organizing, and backing up files on your MacBook hard drive. It is intended for any student or employee with a MacBook.

Fig 2. Select hard drive icon and Users to access Home folder

Where are your files?

You have full administrative rights to your laptop. That means you have the ability to save your files just about anywhere on your laptop's hard drive. You may have saved things, intentionally or unintentionally, to locations other than the ones we configured as described below. It's up to you to find and manage those folders and files. Every WSU MacBook hard drive is set up the same way:

  • On a MacBook, all of the space on the single hard drive is assigned to one partition called MacBook Pro/Air # where the number represents the year it was distributed (e.g., MacBook Pro 13). Open your hard drive by double-clicking the MacBook Pro/Air # drive icon on your desktop (Figure 1).
  • You will see several folders on what is called the root of the hard drive. Do not delete or rename any of these folders.
  • Inside the Users folder, you will find your Home folder (Figure 2).

About the Home folder

Your Home folder is a special folder on your hard drive set up just for you. This is where you should save any personal or school-related files on your laptop. To help you keep your files organized, WSU created some sub-folders in your Home folder (e.g., Documents, Music, Pictures). You can use these folders if you wish or you can create your own. You can also create sub-folders within these folders (e.g., a Courses folder inside your Documents folder). Build a folder structure that works for you.

What's a default save location?

Some applications have default save locations for files you create using that application. For example, Microsoft Word opens a specific folder in your Home directory the first time you Save a document and every time you select Save As. WSU has already set the default save location of many of the applications that came installed on your MacBook. For example, the default save location for Word is your Documents folder in your Home directory. When you install applications, a default save location is selected automatically or you are asked to select one during the installation process. You want the default save location to be a folder in your Home directory. For example, when you install Apple iTunes, it will use your Music folder in your Home directory. Sometimes, an application will pick a very strange and out of the way default save location. Keep your eyes on this as you install applications and change the default save location if needed. Also, be careful about deleting or renaming existing folders in your Home directory if they are default save locations for an application.

How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Computer

How do I access the Home folder?

From the hard drive icon

  1. Double-click the MacBook Pro/Air # drive icon on your desktop
  2. Open the Users folder
  3. Open the Home folder. It's the one with the icon that looks like a house and that is named with your username (Figure 2).

From the Go menu

  1. Select the Go menu
  2. Select Home. This opens up the home folder and displays its contents.

About the sub-folders in your Home folder

Documents, Music, Pictures, and Movies

These are folders that we created for you thinking that this might be a nice way for you to organize your files. If this works for you, great. If you want to create new folders with new names, that's fine too. However, keep in mind that these folders are default save locations for various applications. Even if you don't want to use them, please don't delete them for awhile until you are sure you have your own folder structure and default save locations worked out.


You may or may not have such a folder depending on what applications are installed on you MacBook. Don't confuse this Applications folder in your Home directory with the one that contains all of your installed applications. They are two different folders. This one simply stores personal data and files associated with certain applications. For example, the default storage location for the screen shots you capture using TechSmith SnagIt, a screen capture program, is a sub-folder in your Applications folder in your Home directory. The actual SnagIt application itself is stored in another location. For most applications, you can change their default save locations if you wish, but always check this Applications folder to see if there is anything in there you want to back up and retain.


The Desktop folder in your Home directory contains all the folders, files, and shortcuts found out on your desktop. Some people like to store things, lots of things, right on their desktop. They save files, folders, and shortcuts to applications right out on the desktop. If this method works for you and you want to replicate it on another MacBook, you will need to back up the Desktop folder and then copy and paste it to your Home directory on the other machine. Note that your shortcuts will not work on the new laptop if the applications they link to are not it the same place. The fastest way to restore them is to delete them and recreate them on the new laptop.


This folder contains any application update, printer driver, or other software or hardware-related file you ever downloaded from the web. The vast majority of these files do not need to be retained because you will probably never use them again. However, this folder may also contain manuals, journal articles, image files, and other useful, downloaded documents or media that you do want to retain. Take a look through your Downloads folder regularly. Delete anything you don't need and move anything important to another folder to better organize it. Ideally, your Downloads folder should be empty.

How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro


Because Mac OS X is a multi-user operating system, the Public folder is there to allow you to store files that would be accessible to other people who log on to your MacBook. Because no one but you typically logs on to your laptop, this folder isn't very useful. Don't delete it just in case you might need it someday.

Backing up your files

There are several ways that you can back up the files in your Home direcory:

  1. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste your entire Home folder to network, cloud, or external storage
  2. Pick and choose individual folders and files within your Home directory to drag-and-drop or Copy-Paste to network, cloud, or external storage

How To Open Pdf In Pages On Macbook Pro

Restoring your files

To restore your files to a new MacBook, reverse the process you used to back them up:

How To Open Pages On Macbook Pro Max

  1. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste your entire Home folder from network, cloud, or external storage to the same locations on your new MacBook
  2. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste individual folders and files from network, cloud, or external storage to the same locations on your new MacBook

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